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Theater Lights

Theatre Classes


Students meet weekly develop a specific theatre related skill or become introduced to new theatre topics. On the last day of class, family and friends are invited to see a final piece or educational share depending on the course. 

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Fall 2024 Classes

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Set the Scene

Mondays, 09/9/24 - 10/7/24 

Grades K -2nd 

5pm to 6pm

This class is perfect for students who have never done theatre! We will dive into learning about all things theatre. Learn the basics of the stage and how to be an actor.

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Scene Study

Tuesdays, 09/10/24 - 10/8/24 

Grades 3rd - 5th 

5pm to 6pm

In this 5-week class, we will take scenes from popular children's stories and perform them as an ensemble. Diving into what it takes to understand a character and scene.

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Intro to Musical Theatre

Wednesdays, 09/11/24 - 10/09/24

Grades 6th - 8th

5 pm to 6 pm

In this class, we will dive into the basics of musical theatre, learning dances, songs, and choreography. Students will have the opportunity to put on a final performance for parents at the end of the 5-weeks, consisting of scenes, songs, and dances.

Limited scholarships are available for classes and camps. 

Swift Creek Mill Theatre believes in the value of an arts education and strives to make theatre accesible to students regardless of ability to pay. 

Contact us if you are interested in receiving more information on receiving a scholarship or supporting our scholarship fund.

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